Lc 24.28. Jesus Fingia, Ou Se Punha Em Direção Para Partir Para Mais Longe?





LTT     28 E eles chegaram vizinho à aldeia para onde iam, e *Ele* SE PUNHA- EM- DIREÇÃO para viajar para mais longe.


TR Stephanus 1550: ... αὐτὸς ELE  G846 P-NSM προσεποιεῖτο SE PUNHA EM DIREÇÃO  G4364 V-ImperfeitoMiddleIndicativo-3Singular πορρωτέρω [PARA] MAIS LONGE  G4208 ADV-C πορεύεσθαι ESTAR PARTINDO.  G4198 V-PNN


prospoieomai vem de "para a frente" e de "fazer", e a soma pode ser

"inclinar-se-em direção para frente",


caminhar-para frente

ficando implícito que isso era interpretado como uma  intenção


Lc 24:28 em Scrivener e Majoritário


προσεποιειτο G4364 V-IMI-3Sτσβ                inclinava-se (ou caminhava) para frente

πορρωτερω G4208 ADV-Cτσβ             para mais longe

πορευεσθαι G4198 V-PNN          partir, viajar, ir, caminhar

Pickering προσεποιειτο (98,5%)  πορρωτερω (99,7%)  πορευεσθαι.  



inclinava-se-para-frente [como se] para mais longe viajar  hélio 1 ***

caminhava-para-frente [como se] para mais longe viajar hélio 2

Daniel Macedo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ele fez como quem iria prosseguir. Pickering

he made as though he would have gone further.

He acted as though he wanted to go farther,   NET

He acted as if He would go further. AMP,

he made as though he would go further. 2

he gave the impression that he was going farther. CSB

esus seemed to be going farther. CEV

He made-as-if to be proceeding farther. DLNT

Jesus acted as if he did not plan to stop there. ERV

he acted as if he were going to travel farther. EHV

He acted as if he were going farther,

Jesus acted as if he were going farther.

he made as though he would have gone further.

Jesus acted as if he were going farther.

He gave the impression that He was going farther.

Jesus acted as if he did not plan to stop there.

He gave the impression that he meant to go on further

He acted as if he were going on

He seemed to be going farther.

He indicated that He would have gone farther.nkjv

he walked ahead as if he were going on. NRSVACE **   he walked ahead as if he were going on.






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